Good Luck Cinderella of Super Junior :)

I don't want to say Good Bye, Cuz this Won't be a Good Bye. so I just wanna say Good Luck for our Cinderella Kim Heechul :)

our Cinderella, Lady Heehee (a.k.a Kim Heechul) 

maybe you'll be the prettier man on your new place right? haha... and maybe after you do Military you'll become more handsome or maybe more prettier than before.. haha peace oppa, just kidd...
but the point is... please come back to Super Junior Soon... Take care Your Self , ELFs always wait for you... and ELFs Will Miss you So much...

btw i've one Slide Show, that i just made for you Oppa, and i already Uploaded to YouTube
here is it.. Hope'll like it...:)

But Miane.. when Thank You Part, yes i know.. Bad sound right? I'm Sorry for the bad Sound (_ _)Mianee..

사랑해요 김희철
우유빛깔 김희철
oppa... FIGHTING! d(^O^)

note : heenim.. you know what? i'm crying now... it's too sad for me... but see you're smile and try to be strong.. it make me realized.. i musn't cry! i have to smile for you, maybe its hard.. but i try :') good luck oppa... keep healthy and keep smiling :) Saranghae... saranghanta... ^^


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